Discovery Tales was founded by Tina Donovan in 2000. The business is headquartered in Dayton, Ohio.
Tina has done extensive research in the areas of anger, social skills and bibliotherapy (a story with therapeutic value) and has presented her findings at the local, state and national levels. She has her own private practice in Centerville, Ohio and specializes in treating children with emotional and behavioral issues.
All-Star Cast, in order of appearance:
Tina Donovan, M.Ed., LPCC
Founder, Discovery Tales
Tina Donovan, MSEd, LPCC, is the founder of Discovery Tales. The idea for her innovative anger management program, The Stellar Way, came about more than 20 years ago in her work with the juvenile court system, where she found that anger was a common denominator for almost every case that came before the court. The more hardship she saw, the stronger her desire grew to proactively help children with their anger before it could negatively impact their relationships, their education, their careers and their families. She pursued a master’s degree, and over years of practice, she developed a proven, research-based curriculum that uses concrete tools and activities to help all children process and deal with their anger with the help of a very special superhero — Sparky. Donovan has presented her research at the local, state and national levels.
In her private practice, Donovan specializes in helping people develop emotional competency. For her potential to make the most impact in the counseling field, the Miami Valley Counseling Association recognized Donovan’s research with the Wray Rieger Memorial Award.

Our Superhero
Sparky’s Superpower – Brilliantly Shines Like A Star – Even in Dark Times!
Age: 500 years old
Volunteers: 20 hours a week at The Galaxy All-Star Camp
Expertise: Has amazing powers to help children control their anger and appropriately express their own feelings. Empowers children to Shine Like A Star!
Motto: “Everything. I do, think, feel and believe, impacts my STARABILITY!”
Belief: “If you want to be a STAR, you have to SHINE like you are one!”
Values: The Golden Rule – Treat others as you would like to be treated!
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite food: Vegetarian Pizza
Loves to travel
A Girl Everyone Can Relate To
Age: 8 years old
Challenges: Emotional, has difficulty controlling her anger and trouble accepting responsibility for her own actions.
Belief: Unable to focus on the positive things as she believes she has a miserable, rotten life!
Operates: Tends to operate from her feelings – she acts and then thinks.
Favorite activity: Dancing
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite game: Hide and Go Seek
Favorite food: Grilled Cheese Sandwich, followed by ice cream!

JennellE Beining Summerlin
Jennelle Summerlin is a special education teacher, children’s advocate and educational sign language interpreter on the deaf-blind support staff of the Ohio School for the Deaf in Columbus, Ohio. There, she provides training and implementation for the school-wide vision screening; develops, implements and assesses the school’s work experience curriculum; teaches theater; and manages casework of students with varying challenges connected to deaf-blindness. Before that, Summerlin worked in the Centerville City Schools in Centerville, Ohio, and was an applied behavioral analyst at Hearts for ABA, an applied learning center for children with autism and other developmental disabilities.
Jeff Boudouris
Jeff Boudouris retired in 2021 as senior vice president and chief financial officer at Sinclair Community College. In that role, he oversaw institutional research and analysis and served as treasurer for the college and on the board of trustees for its foundation. Before becoming senior vice president and CFO, he was Sinclair’s director of budget and analysis, responsible for coordinating the college’s annual budget and preparing long-range financial projections and analysis. He is now a higher education finance consultant.

Rebekkah Brewer-Klontz
Rebekkah Brewer-Klontz has more than 20 years of experience as a mediator and volunteered for more than 14 years at the Dayton Mediation Center. She has several certifications in parenting education, including Relationship Toolshop Parenting, and conducts train-the-trainer courses about sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression (SOGIE). She has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Anderson University and a master’s in applied behavioral science from Wright State University. In her 20-year career with the Montgomery County Juvenile Court, she conducted assessments, led adult and juvenile probation programs and managed the Start Right program, which worked with parents to create a family approach to school attendance. She also owned a business for more than five years and is now a fiscal support specialist for the Greene County Auditor’s Office.

Dan BroweR
Dan Brower is a Midwest district manager for Wellborn Cabinet Inc. and has spent more than 45 years in the kitchen and bath industry, starting on the shop floor of his family business in Miamisburg, Ohio. As his career progressed, he opened three new locations in central and southwest Ohio, rebranded the business as Brower Products and expanded to serve construction companies, remodelers and dealers with building products including counters, windows, doors and cabinetry. He opened two Lifestyle Kitchen and Bath showrooms before becoming a director of residential construction for a large commercial remodeling and fire insurance restoration company. He joined Wellborn in 2018. He and his wife, Anne, have three children and six grandchildren.

Dr. Patrice Moulton
Dr. Patrice Moulton is a professor of psychology at Northwestern State University of Louisiana and a renowned teacher and researcher in counseling psychology. She received a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award in 2017 to launch Nepal’s first master’s degree program in counseling psychology and has advised government leaders for mental health legislation in the United States, Thailand and Nepal. The author of Helping Others: Basic Counseling Competency Skills and a co-author of Clinical Supervision in the Helping Professions, Moulton has devoted her research to mental health as related to human rights and social justice. “Social justice seeks to ensure that people, particularly those who are most vulnerable in society, can have their voices heard, their rights defended and their views and needs genuinely considered when decisions are made about their lives,” she said.

Larry Lovelace
Larry Lovelace is an automotive business executive and the owner of Truck Laptops, a leading provider of technology solutions for the transportation, off-highway, agricultural and maritime vessel industries. Having started his career in the automotive industry, he gained experience in manufacturing, engineering and logistics and developed a keen understanding of the importance of technology in improving efficiency and productivity. After that, he worked in the oil and gas industry and business services before founding Truck Laptops in 2014. His business provides rugged diagnostic laptops, tablets and GPS technology products designed specifically for use in trucks and other commercial vehicles. It also provides custom software development, installation and training.

Kathleen M. Webb
Kathleen M. Webb has been the dean of University Libraries at the University of Dayton since 2006. In that capacity, she oversees Roesch Library — the main university library — and the world-renowned Marian Library, as well as the University Archives. A graduate of Penn State University and UCLA, Webb began her career at the University of Dayton Libraries in 1993. She has held leadership roles with a variety of local and regional library organizations including OhioLINK, the Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education, and the American Library Association’s leadership and management division. She has written and presented on a variety of topics including website development, library technologies, and the use of academic library space and its impact on learning.