Research has indicated that anger is the first emotion that we learn and the last one we learn to manage. As I have shared before, I certainly have found this to be true both personally and professionally. People who are stressed are more likely to experience anger. Numerous worldwide studies have documented that regular exercise …

17 year-old Sarah Gniazdowski wrote “Most of the Time” which pays tribute to her brother, Danny – pictured above, who passed away from MPS seven years ago. Sarah continues to make a difference in the lives of children by majoring in Special Education as she enters college this fall. In their relationship, they both played …
Today we’re going to talk about carrying our worries around…does anyone know what being worried means? As the tale goes, a young boy named Frederick grew up in the tiny village of a Greymouth, New Zealand. He lived in a tiny shack. He worried all the time. He worried about getting his chores done so …

Anger has been described as the first emotion human beings experience and the last one we learn to manage effectively. Anger can lead to aggressive behavior which has been defined as one of the most prevalent, stable, socially transmittable, personally disruptive and clinically problematic behaviors that society now faces (DeBarshy & Fryxell, 1998). Its developmental sequence and …
(Previously published in Purpose, March 1, 1992) The pounding of the keys echoed in the plush office as my boredom began to set in. The balancing of millions of dollars to the penny had become a rehearsed, meaningless task. The prestige and pay were excellent, but my heart was not content. I desperately needed a …
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