My heartfelt gratitude to all those who have been part of my journey. I am truly grateful for ALL of my family, friends, and colleagues who have helped me along the way, with special acknowledgments to the members of my creative team who embody and exemplify the spirit of The Stellar Way: James Koenig, my illustrator, for being my superhero and bringing my dream to life. Your phenomenal work combined with your gentle spirit and attention to detail has been a godsend!
Tiger Kandel and Heather Schloss, puppet designers and puppet makers—a dynamic duo, with backgrounds in art
therapy and design—for making a seemingly impossible mission possible with their sheer determination, passion, and talents.
Sarah Kolb-Williams, my editor extraordinaire, for her knowledge, invaluable suggestions, enthusiasm, and willingness to go above and beyond to deliver accurate, timely feedback.
Gayle Guyre, my writing coach, who met with me weekly for an entire year as I wrote and rewrote The Stellar Way. Gayle graciously shared her home, time, and expertise to gently guide and encourage me.
Regina Frank, Imocaryl Livingston, Brenda Ludwig, Repali Rege, and Watt Smith, my colleagues and friends with diverse backgrounds, whose initial resounding support of The Stellar Way gave me hope of its universal appeal.
Rebekkah Brewer-Klontz, my confidant and friend, who devoted countless hours to bringing The Stellar Way to life. My eternal gratitude for your love and loyal support!
Flora Igah, Margaret Lawson, Renee Price, Pam Miller-Girton, Judy Wilson, and the late Rev. Bill Youngkin, my spiritual mentors and teachers, for being my guiding lights and showing me the way.
Sylvia Bertke (and children), Don and Lynn Bourne, Mike and Cindy Bourne, Rita Chasteen, Robin Galloway, Sarah Keating, Dick and Meridean Maas, and Diane Scott, my family and friends whose advice, suggestions, and feedback were essential in the development of the characters and whose love and support I cherish.
David’s United Church of Christ congregation, Fairmont West High School classmates, and the Cabin Crew, who have blessed me with irreplaceable, lifelong friendships and whose individual and collective company feels like family.
Target Corporation for its generosity in funding the creation of the website.