A brief market study was conducted for this blog at two local grocery stores; Kroger’s a national chain and Dorothy Lane Market, an upscale, locally-owned grocery. Fifteen unsuspecting shoppers at each location were asked how long it takes them to choose their fruits and vegetables and how long it takes them to choose their emotions. The results were interesting and varied according to circumstances.
For example, one mother carefully examined each green bean ensuring the absence of any bad spots. She would easily forgo this painstakingly long process if it weren’t for satisfying her children’s love of green beans. A man reported that he had been coming to Dorothy Lane Market since 1963 so it didn’t take him anytime at all to make his selections as he knew exactly where every item was located.
Time constraints were identified as a factor as one woman shared that she was in a hurry so she didn’t take as long as normal but did take ample enough time to make a proper selection. Another mother was shopping with her two young children – one in a stroller, with the other child being carried in a baby sling. She could not spend as much time as she would like examining the fruits and vegetables due to her children being in tow. Another variable discovered were vegetarians, as two women reported that it took them 15-20 minutes to select their fruits and vegetables.
When the participants were asked how long it takes them to choose their emotions, one paused and said “that’s something to consider – I like that – I like where you are going with this.” All shoppers that were asked agreed that it took less time to choose their emotions than it did to select their fruits and vegetables.
Children and some adults need to learn that we choose our own emotions. Analogies help to illustrate this. Granted, we’re not comparing “apples to apples” and the study conducted was certainly not scientific in any measure. However, it does merit some interesting food for thought.
Research Note: Thank you to Dorothy Lane Market and Kroger’s for allowing the research to take place and thank you to the kind shoppers that were involved in the study.