Children are priceless! Their tenacity, resilience, acceptance of others coupled with their genuine and playful nature tend to capture the hearts of us all. Their insight and wisdom seem to far exceed their chronological age and their big, open hearts seem to soften the most challenging times.
This week, I was once again reminded of these precious tendencies as our Dayton community begins to heal and rebuild after the mass shooting that recently took place.
In this tragedy, nine people were killed and two students at River’s Edge Montessori lost their mothers, Lois Oglesby and Monica Brickhouse.
Another student at the school, Brennan Bailey, was grappling with the magnitude of their losses – trying to imagine the unimaginable.
Fueled by compassion in one hand and empathy in the other, Brennan Bailey wanted to do something to help and that’s when his idea of “Love for Lemonade” was formed. Brennan recruited Marc Carter (another classmate), his sister, Erin, along with other neighborhood children. His mother, Angela Bailey reserved the South Park Gazebo from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The venue was set!
Determined to follow and honor Brennan’s lead, I too wanted to do something. So, I went to Dorothy Lane Market and explained Brennan’s mission to Maureen Sammon, Assistant Store Director. Moved by his open, generous heart, she overruled the typical procedures and immediately donated a tray of Killer Brownies for the event.
As I pulled up, I was struck by the number of people in attendance and the sense of community that seemed to emanate from the gazebo. It was touching. I met Brennan who shared with me that he felt compelled to do something to help. I thanked him for his idea and for his tenacity and courage to make it happen. I met Brennan’s family along with the other children.
“I made these cookies,” Beau said, as I could sense the pride in his voice. I beamed in pride for him. The pride could be seen on the children’s faces as they served lemonade and talked to their customers. They were doing something to help our community heal.
Over 500 people came out to support their efforts which not only raised $2,750 (and counting) for the two families but raised our spirits.
Perhaps just for today, on behalf of Brennan, Marc, Erin, and the other children in our community, and nation who are showing us the way, we should channel our inner child by doing something…by responding with open hearts and loving action.
Tina Donovan, LPCC
Author: The Stellar Way, Discovering the Star Within