Sparky Tales will be implemented at Edison Elementary in Dayton, Ohio in January, 2013. The program will encourage children to “shine like a star” by teaching them social skills – particularly how to regulate their emotions. Research indicates that social and behavior competencies in young children predict their academic performance above their cognitive skills and family backgrounds. Due to time constraints; however, these skills are often overlooked in a classroom setting. Sparky Tales eliminates this barrier by providing these skills through a bibliotherapy-based (a story with therapeutic value) curriculum which can be done during Language Arts.
A small pilot program found the curriculum to be statistically significant in 5 out of the 8 areas tested. We are wanting to conduct further research and need schools and organizations that would be interested in being involved. An investment of $500.00 will be needed for the materials for the 12 week program. In addition, eight weeks of pre and post data will be collected to help in determining the program’s efficacy. Please contact us at tdonovan@discoverytales.org if you are interested in participating.