I love the magic of Christmas. For a decade now, our friends host a wonderful Christmas party complete with impeccable trimmings inside and out, a banquet of food, great conversations topped with the anticipated arrival of Santa.
My husband has had the honor of bringing Santa to life each year. He enters with his jovial “HO, HO, HO,” taking center stage in front of the fireplace. One by one, Santa reaches in his bag and calls out each child’s name.
“Amber” Santa bellows. Shyly, Amber makes her way to his lap.
“Oh, I see you are wearing the necklace I brought you last year,” Santa half whispers. Amber beams and seems to sit even a little taller.
“Amber, what would you like to have for Christmas?”
“A Monster High Doll,” Amber politely requests.
“I think that can be arranged.” Santa says. An exchange of hugs transpires before Santa calls the next child.

Brooke” with his deep bellowing voice, Santa called. Knowing that Santa’s being “played” by my husband, she performs her duty of sitting on his lap. And just for a transcending moment – One can see that she believes. She believes in the magic of Christmas along with its wondrous spirit. She believes in the love Santa exemplifies. She tells Santa that she would like to have some LEGOS for Christmas and believes he will deliver.
Ben, Anna, Livi, and Emma each take turns telling Santa what they would like to have. Gary along with Mrs. Claus take their annual turn on Santa’s lap – long enough for the moment to be captured.
Santa leaves with his bellowing, elongated MEERRRY CHRISTMAS! He waves to all, rings his sleigh bells and for a moment, we all believe.